The          SurfAnauts
Surf from the Baltic Sea

 Once upon a time in April 2019...

Scene of the crime Ebay Classifieds

Ulli wants to buy a Gretsch 6120 Lefthand and therefore sells some stuff on Ebay Classifieds, among them is an Aria Matsumoku Bass.

Ulli: ...Sell Aria Bass (Matsumoku) with case....
Lisa: "I'd be interested, is there anything you can do about the price?"....
Ulli: "Sure"
Lisa: "OK, I'll take it!" ...
Ulli: "What do you want to do with it?" ....
Lisa: "Yeah, like rock'n'roll or psychobilly" ...

Ulli: "I'm a guitarist in a rock'n'roll trash band and we're still looking for a bass."

That was the first contact between Lisa and Ulli in April 2019.
At that time, Ulli's half-existing band (still with vocals) was a disaster, the practice room a battlefield, the concept resembling the idea of a one-liner.
Nevertheless, from this disaster of hopeless paralysed stereotypes, the band simply continued for over a year.
This had pissed Ulli off so much that he wanted to quit completely. The singer had kind of vanished into thin air anyway and Lisa had the choice between quitting before she really got started or making a proposal to keep Ulli with the music. Ulli had already talked about Surf a few times, but had relegated its realisation to a galaxy far, far away. That's when she said:

"We're doing surf now!!!"

The SurfAnauts were born.
All of a sudden, the motivation was back. The battlefield of space became a proper rehearsal space, with a complete makeover. Rehearsals were finally rehearsals and the joy of music came back.

The genre gave the concept and was developed in no time. It was the right time, because due to Corona, there were bans on performing anyway and the clubs were closed.

Lisa and Ulli searched for surf classics that were either well known or lost gems that were just waiting to be reinterpreted by The SurfAnauts and then brought back to life in the glow of the stage lights.

However, the whole thing took place without a drummer. The search was not easy! Some came and all left. Except for one, Simon, who was sent from heaven! Simon joined, albeit in a different context, via Ebay Classifieds. Then everything happened very quickly. The first studio recordings in November 2022. The debut in December 2022 in Flensburg.
Lisa's ass was on fire, because until then she had never stood on a stage, let alone played in front of an audience. But everyone has a start and she mastered it with flying colours.

"....that we are the only surf rock band in Schleswig-Holstein we hadn't even realised until then...."(quote Ulli and Lisa). Thus "The SurfAnauts" represent the coolest subgenre of rock'n'roll with the status of a unique selling point, here in the northernmost federal state.
The aim is to spread the surf sound to all corners of the country and the world until they haunt the catacombs as surf zombies accompanied by brute fuzz, delay and reverb-soaked clubs.

Thanks go to EbayKleinazeigen 😉